Monday, November 30, 2020

if your ads did not generate at least 50 conversions within 7 days. (Facebook ADs )

your ads did not generate at least 50 conversions within 7 days. If this happens, we normally advise our advertisers to check on three categories:

1. Budgeting 2. Targeting 3. Ad creative

If you have an ideal budget and highly-intent target audience, we recommend to check your ad creatives if they are engaging. The factor that can affect these categories is if we have duplicate Ad Sets and creatives targeting the same audience. This means there are competitions among your Ad Sets and Ad copies for getting conversions. Thus, resulting to delivery performance issues.

If there are no ad sets or ad copies competing for conversions, here are some best practices to make your ads more engaging -

The suggested action to resolve this is to consolidate your Ad Sets into one and have at least 3-5 different ad creatives. That way, you can check which ad copy will work best for your audience and for your business.

We also suggest that you make final edits to your Ad Sets as Signifcant edits may cause delays in delivery and even reset the Learning Phase -

You can also try these link for troubleshooting under delivery Ads,

If you also wish you can also schedule a call to our marketing expert using this link, to advise you of any strategies that will help you on your Ads.


Best practices to make your ad more engaging